Ahmed Sabry
Ever since 2008, Ahmed Sabry has used media and digital image as a conceptual and visual source to his artistic career. Sabry benefited from the visual construction of the television and digital image and what it provides in terms of imposing contemporary formalism configurations due to their natural function. These contemporary configurations are for example; watching films or advertisements or other forms created by the relation between the image and text. Furthermore, there are forms which are generated from a cultural content which reflects the philosophy of professional media such as television and what people produce on the internet and social media platforms in terms of a diverse and interesting cultural and visual content.
In 2011, appeared a Facebook page that promotes conspiracy theory and warns the Egyptian people of what the nation’s enemies are conspiring against them. The Facebook page admins collected photos and written posts from various sources and recombined them in a form of collage, and then they start analyzing the posts which they collected considering them as codes aiming at making problems and conspiracies. As these posts were conceptually and visually rich, Sabry benefited from this media image and used it as a source for the production of his latest body of works, the works which assume to be sending codes waiting for someone to decode them.
وفي 2011 ظهرت احدة الصفحات التي تروج لنظرية المؤامرة وتحذر المصريين مما يحاك لهم من قبل أعداء الوطن، وكانت تقوم هذه الصفحة بتجميع الصور والمنشورات على "الفيس بووك" من مصادر مختلفة "حسابات شخصية او صفحات او مواقع" وتعيد تجميعها في شكل أشبه ب "الكولاج" ثم تقوم بسرد تحليلات لهذه المنشورات معتبرة هذه الصور والمنشورات ما هي إلا شفرات تهدف إلى افتعال المشاكل والمؤامرات، وكانت هذه المنشورات غنية بالمادة البصرية والمفاهيمية وقد استفاد "صبري" من هذه الصورة الإعلامية كمصدر لإنتاج أعماله الأخيرة في الرسم والتصوير والتي تفترض إرسال شفرات تنتظر من يحاول فكها وكشفها