Puigmartì chose not to use any computer animation program, thus preferring a craft, puppetry resembling movie. He has drawn and cut the characters from paper, and manually move them in the natural environment creating a fairy story telling atmosphere.
On the occasion of Mashrabia Gallery’s 25th anniversary, Xavier Puigmartí exhibits his latest, unreleased body of work within a retrospective exhibition including previous pieces. In 2014 Puigmartí realized the movie The Odyssey. Freely adapted from Homer’s poem, the movie is based on the translation of Catalan poet Carles Riba.
Puigmartì chose not to use any computer animation program, thus preferring a craft, puppetry resembling movie. He has drawn and cut the characters from paper, and manually move them in the natural environment creating a fairy story telling atmosphere.
RGB (1) is a beginning of a series that could be described as non-linear graphic novels formed by groups of random scenes. Its sarcastic approach taps into Egyptian social and religious taboos while being concerned with the larger frame of the human condition. يعتبر "أحمر، أخضر، أزرق (1)" بداية لسلسلة روايات مصورة تتكون من مشاهد متفرقة ومرتبة بشكل عشوائي. تتطرق موضوعات تلك المشاهد إلى الأفكار النمطية المجتمعية والسياسية والدينية، كما تتطرق إلى موضوعات فلسفية معنية بالوجود الإنساني بشكل أشمل.
December 2024