Samir Sobhy was born in Cairo. Although his artistic talent was apparent at the age of four, he chose to pursue a career as a diplomat. Nevertheless, he attended classes and courses in painting, design, sculpture, and printmaking in wherever cities his job would take him, mainly Cairo, Dakar, and New York.
His paintings had several themes, mostly surrealistic. This exhibition represents a stage in his life in the 70s and the 80s when painting dolls was one of his major and favorite subjects.
"بيت الدُمى"
من 27 نوفمبر حتى 15 ديسمبر
سمير صبحي فنان مصري ولد بالقاهرة. على الرغم من وضوح موهبته من سن الرابعة، إلا أنه اختار الالتحاق بالسلك الدبلوماسي.
ومع ذلك, حضر دروسًا ودورات في الرسم والتصميم والنحت والطباعة خاصة في القاهرة وداكار ونيويورك.
يمثل هذا المعرض مرحلة في حياته في السبعينيات والثمانينيات عندما كان رسم الدمى أحد الموضوعات الرئيسية والمفضلة لديه.