Catching Souls by Hany El Sayed Sculptures solo show From 24 February till 28 March Alexandrian sculptor Hany El Sayed’s first solo exhibition is a one of a kind occasion. Gathering pieces of his substantial body of work produced over the years of his artistic practice, this solo show pays due tribute to a fundamental artist of the local artistic movement, who boasts a long history of international group exhibitions, awards and collections. The showcased selection offers a retrospective of the artist’s development, going through abstraction and figurativism , and gives proof - by drawing the public’s attention to the different techniques and materials used -of the artist’s outstanding versatility. Nourished by his surroundings, El Sayed’s work is the product of street life encounters. Modeled with bronze and marble, El Sayed’s compositions reveal a world of figures suggesting timeless stories, events, past memories, and feelings. |
About the Artist:
Hany El Sayed
Born in 1972 | Bachelor of Art education 1995
In addition to many exhibitions in Egypt, Hany El Sayed has participated in various international group shows in Italy, Japan, India and China. The Great Library of Alexandria and the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo hold acquisitions of his work, as well as many private collectors from Spain, Italy, Turkey and Egypt.
.بنماذج من البرونز والرخام، تكشف تركيبات السيد عن عالم من الشخصيات التي تعرض قصصًا وأحداث وذكريات قديمة ومشاعر
عن الفنان
هاني السيد
ولد بالاسكندرية عام 1972 و حصل علي بكالريوس تربية فنية عام 1995 , بالإضافة إلي العديد من المعارض في مصر، شارك هاني السيد في عروض جماعية دولية عديدة في إيطاليا، اليابان، الهند و الصين. تمتلك مكتبة الإسكندرية ومتحف الفن الحديث بالقاهرة مقتنيات من أعمال هاني السيد، بالإضافة إلى العديد من جامعي التحف الفنية من إسبانيا وإيطاليا وتركيا ومصر.